
2008-03-08 6:47 pm
2的n次方=1.285,點用計算機計個n ,n=0.3628,我係用sharp,casio我都識用

回答 (1)

2008-03-08 7:10 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I think when n = 0.3628, then 2^n = 1.286 becuase 1.2859....
we use log...
2^n = 1.286
n log 2 = log 1.286
n = log1.286 / log 2
then we can use calculator to find n.
from the calculator, n = 0.36289.....

2008-03-08 11:11:27 補充:

1.286 [log] / 2 [log]

then the answer is on!

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