F.1 數學2題

2008-03-08 6:25 pm
1) For every $1 profit, A gets $0.2, B gets $0.5 and C gets the rest. If
the profit is $3200, how much does C get?

2) A is twice as old as B and B is half as old as C. If the sum of their
ages is 65 years, how old is A?

回答 (2)

2008-03-09 2:46 am
✔ 最佳答案
1) The amount of profit C gets for every $1 profit=$(1-0.2-0.5)

The amount of profit C gets=$0.3x3200

2) Let the age of A be x.
The age of B= x/2
The age of C= (x/2)2

So, x+x/2+x= 65
x =26

Therefore, A is 26 years old.
2008-03-08 6:33 pm
1) C will get : $3200*(1-0.2-0.5) =$3200*0.3 =960

2)由於A=2B and B=1/2C ,咁即係C亦等於2B,所以5B=65,B=13,咁A=2B,所以A=2*13=26

希望我無理解錯咗... ...
參考: 自己

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