香港到New York 機票

2008-03-08 4:32 pm
我7月中要去new york 一個幾月

回答 (3)

2008-03-09 8:28 am
✔ 最佳答案
係呀, 要早d訂,
我舊年8月頭去, 4月去問價, 因為暑假所以有d日子已經full左, 最後要搭貴d o既american airline, 至於機票我當時都問過好多間, 價錢都差唔多, 大間o既旅行社同細間o既都只係相差一二百蚊。我建議去信得過o既旅行社訂會安心d。
去new york 多數都要轉機, 直飛貴好多~
2008-03-09 10:30 am
Hi, July is a peak season, you should book your ticket as soon as possible. You can check with the airlines directly, sometimes their prices are cheaper than the travel agency. Many airlines have a direct-flights (non-stop) from HK to NY, such as CX, Conteniental, UA ... etc. I believe you can find the one. Enjoy your trip.
參考: Living in US
2008-03-09 12:30 am

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