
2008-03-08 8:21 am
Race and history
To introduce British race of reference simply by ordinance and added commentaries to explain one of several races.
莎士比亞生平及著作Shakespeare’s biography and works
The summary record of the parish 斯特拉福recorded: John Shake spear’s son William to be baptized in April 26 th, 1564. John and Mary had eight children, William was the third. He was born in the little abode at Henry street on April 23th.
威廉‧莎士比亞在斯特拉福上學。依照當時的習慣,孩子從四、五歲起就由老師啟蒙,教授讀寫和算數。學童誦讀字母表,用教義問答練習閱讀。有一位老師李利(William Lyly)編寫文法基礎交他們拉丁文及背誦拉丁文格言。學校的一天很漫長,從早上六點到下午五點,只有在午飯時休息片刻。威廉11歲上文法學校,再此遇上學習的三巨頭:文法、邏輯學和修辭學。他們繼續學習拉丁文,也學希臘文。不過,他的學業到此為止。與他同期的倫敦劇作家皆受過高等教育;他則沒有。不過威廉對語言的熱愛加上在戲劇方面的天賦,讓他自學成材,並不比其他受過高等教育的人來的差。
William Shakespeare’s studied at .according to the habit at that time, the children at four or five ages initiated by teachers to teach reading and writing and arithmetic. The children read an alphabet and used religious principles asking and answering to train reading. A teacher William Lyly wrote basis grammar to teach them Latin and memorized Latin maxims. A day at school was very long from six o’clock in the morning to five o’clock in the afternoon to study grammar, logic and rhetoric. They continue learned Latin also Greek. However, his school studies were finished. On the same class, London playwrights all have higher educated he didn’t. However William was found of languages and had talent on drama that let him study on his own not worse than other playwrights who had higher educated.

回答 (3)

2008-03-08 9:48 am
✔ 最佳答案
民族與歷史 Race and history
From the catalogue of reference books, make a simple introduction to the British race by listing and titling, and add commentaries to explain several races among all.
莎士比亞生平及著作Shakespeare's biography and works
The parish register of 斯特拉福 recorded: John Shakespeare's son ,William, was baptized on April 26 th, 1564. John and Mary had eight children. William was the third. He was born in a little abode at Henry Street on April 23th.
William Shakespeare studied at 斯特拉福. According to the habit at that time, children from their age of four or five were initiated by teachers in training of reading, writing and arithmatics.
School children recited alphabets chart and used 'the questions and answers to religious principles' to practise reading.
有一位老師李利(William Lyly)編寫文法基礎交他們拉丁文及背誦拉丁文格言。
A teacher called William Lyly composed basic grammar to teach them Latin and memorized Latin maxims.
A day in school was very long, from six o'clock in the morning to five o'clock in the afternoon. There was only a short break during lunch time.
They continued to learn Latin, and Greek, too.
At the age of eleven,William went to grammar school where he met the three greatest subjects---grammar, logics and rhetorics.
However, his school studies were finished here.
The London playwriters of his same period were all highly educated, but William was not.
But, his enthusiasm in languages and having talent on drama made him succeed by self-learning.
He was not inferior than those highly educated people at all.

Sorry, 我改了你很多,因為內容很亂,我是很認真去「執正」的,得罪晒!

2008-03-08 12:23:02 補充:
第一句譯錯了,應該是,a simple introduction OF 不是 TO
2008-03-16 4:37 am
Sha Shibiya biography and work Shakespeare’s biography and works
The Stella luck church parish record records has the following record: On April 26, 1564, child of William John ‧ Sha Shibiya received baptized.John and Masurium Liyu has eight children, William is situated the third child.He is born on April 23 in a Henry street small dwelling.
The summary record of the parish Stella luck recorded: John Shake spear’s son William to be baptized in April 26 th, 1564. John and Mary had eight children, William was the third. He was born in the little abode at Henry street on April 23th. William ‧ Sha Shibiya goes to school in the Stella luck.According to custom then, the child from four, five years old on by teacher the initiation, professor read-write and keeps a promise. The schoolchild reads aloud the alphabet, practices reading with the catechism.Some Mr./Mrs. Liliey (William Lyly) compiles the grammar foundation to hand over them Latin and to recite Latin maxim.School one day very long, from early morning six to 5 pm, only then when lunch rests the moment.On the William 11 years old the grammar school, this meets the study again three giants: Grammar, logic and rhetoric.They continue to study Latin, also studies the Greek article.His studies stop.The London playwrights all have received the higher education same time with him; He does not have.But William the deep love adds on to the language in the play aspect talent, lets him study independently becomes a useful adult, has not received the difference compared to other which the higher education person comes.
參考: myself
2008-03-08 8:23 am

Race and history
To introduce British race of reference simply by ordinance and added commentaries to explain one of several races.
莎士比亞生平及著作Shakespeare’s biography and works
The summary record of the parish 斯特拉福recorded: John Shake spear’s son William to be baptized in April 26 th, 1564. John and Mary had eight children, William was the third. He was born in the little abode at Henry street on April 23th.
威廉‧莎士比亞在斯特拉福上學。依照當時的習慣,孩子從四、五歲起就由老師啟蒙,教授讀寫和算數。學童誦讀字母表,用教義問答練習閱讀。有一位老師李利(William Lyly)編寫文法基礎交他們拉丁文及背誦拉丁文格言。學校的一天很漫長,從早上六點到下午五點,只有在午飯時休息片刻。威廉11歲上文法學校,再此遇上學習的三巨頭:文法、邏輯學和修辭學。他們繼續學習拉丁文,也學希臘文。不過,他的學業到此為止。與他同期的倫敦劇作家皆受過高等教育;他則沒有。不過威廉對語言的熱愛加上在戲劇方面的天賦,讓他自學成材,並不比其他受過高等教育的人來的差。
William Shakespeare’s studied at .according to the habit at that time, the children at four or five ages initiated by teachers to teach reading and writing and arithmetic. The children read an alphabet and used religious principles asking and answering to train reading. A teacher William Lyly wrote basis grammar to teach them Latin and memorized Latin maxims. A day at school was very long from six o’clock in the morning to five o’clock in the afternoon to study grammar, logic and rhetoric. They continue learned Latin also Greek. However, his school studies were finished. On the same class, London playwrights all have higher educated he didn’t. However William was found of languages and had talent on drama that let him study on his own not worse than other playwrights who had higher educated.

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