3n2+3n-90 ?

2008-03-08 6:42 am
how do you factor this

回答 (12)

2008-03-08 6:48 am
✔ 最佳答案
3n² + 3n - 90
= 3(n² + n - 30)
= 3(n² - 5n + 6n - 30)
= 3(n(n-5)+6(n-5))
= 3(n+6)(n-5)
2008-03-08 6:48 am
3n² + 3n - 90
3(n² + n - 30)
3(n + 6)(n - 5)
2008-03-08 6:48 am
3(n^2+n-30 )====> 3(n+6)(n-5)
2008-03-09 11:07 am
3 ( n ² + n - 30 )
3 ( n + 6 ) ( n - 5 )
2016-12-01 9:38 am
ninety:Ice cube Amerikkka's maximum needed ninety one: A Tribe talked approximately as Quest A low end concept ninety two. Pete Rock and CL mushy Mecca and the Soul Brother ninety 3: Black Moon Entra da point ninety 4: NaS Illmatic ninety 5: GZA Liquid Swords ninety six: Ghost face Killah: Ironman ninety seven: wU tANG continuously ninety 8. Mos Def and Talib Kweli: Black celebrity ninety 9: Dr. Dre. 2001
2008-03-08 6:56 am

3n^2 + 3n - 90

factor out 3 first:
3(n^2 + n - 30)

factor (n^2 + n - 30) and multiply it with 3
3(n - 6)(n + 5)

i hope this helps

2008-03-08 6:51 am
First divide the 3 out of each term:
Then do your usual factoring method (what two numbers multiply to -30 and add to 1), which are 6 and -5:

PS- n^2 means n squared :)
2008-03-08 6:51 am
Theres a trick for these:

Take 3 from the n^2 and the -90 and multiply to get -270.

Now you need two numbers whose product is -270 and

whose sum is equal to 3. That would be 18 and -15, since

18 + -15 = 3 and 18 x -15 = -270. Rewrite expression as:

3n^2 + 18n - 15n - 90 and factor:

3n(n + 6) -15(n + 6) = (3n - 15)(n + 6) = 3(n - 5)(n + 6).

If you can factor, this method always works.
2008-03-08 6:49 am
3n^2 + 3n - 90

how did some of my above authors got the 2 in superscript
2008-03-08 7:54 am
3n^2 + 3n - 90
= 3(n^2 + n - 30)
= 3(n + 6)(n - 5)

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