
2008-03-08 6:25 am
Mr. Crocodile and Miss Plover

Every day after his big meal, Mr. Crocodile would open his mouth to take a nice nap. Exactly at this time, Miss Plover would fly into his mouth to look for food as well as to clean up his teeth.

Mr. Crocodile hated all kinds of animals. He thought they were annoying. One day, Mr. Crocodile could not tolerate Miss Plover anymore. He roared, “ Can ‘t you see I ‘m sleeping? Go away! Don ‘t disturb me and don ‘t come back again! ” Miss Plover was terrified. She flew away immediately. She was Mr. Crocodile ‘s dentist no more.

Since then, everyday after his meals, Mr. Crocodile could enjoy his moment of peace. He kept on eating, drinking and sleeping peacefully. A month later, his teeth began to ache. His teeth were rotten and he was suffering from a very bad toothache. He felt miserable for a whole week.

One day Miss Plover happened to fly by the river. She saw how miserable Mr. Crocodile was and felt sympathetic. She flew in front of him and asked if he would let her help to relief his pain. Mr. Crocodile was too happy to have someone to help him. So, Miss Plover spent a whole afternoon working hard – cleaning and scrubbing until Mr. Crocodile ‘s teeth did not hurt anymore.

Feeling much better, Mr. Crocodile was thankful for Miss Plover ‘s help. He was ashamed of his bad behaviour earlier. He apologized to Miss Plover immediately.

Since then, the two became good friends and would meet up with each other everyday after meals.

回答 (3)

2008-03-08 7:13 am
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Mr. Crocodile and Miss Plover

Every day after his big meal, Mr. Crocodile would open his mouth to take a nice nap. Exactly at this time, Miss Plover would fly into his mouth to look for food as well as to clean up his teeth.
每一日佢食完個大餐之後, 鱷魚先生會張開佢個口去小睡片刻o既. 正正係呢個時間,千鳥小姐就會飛去佢個口到搵野食同埋順便清潔下佢d牙

Mr. Crocodile hated all kinds of animals. He thought they were annoying. One day, Mr. Crocodile could not tolerate Miss Plover anymore. He roared, “ Can ‘t you see I ‘m sleeping? Go away! Don ‘t disturb me and don ‘t come back again! ” Miss Plover was terrified. She flew away immediately. She was Mr. Crocodile ‘s dentist no more.
鱷魚先生好憎所有其他o既動物. 佢覺得佢地好煩. 有一日,鱷魚先生唔可以再容忍阿千鳥小姐.佢就開口大罵: "你見唔見到我訓緊教架小姐? 行開la! 唔好煩住我同埋唔好再番黎添呀!" 千鳥小姐俾佢嚇襯. 佢即係飛走la. 佢唔再係阿鱷魚先生o既牙醫lu.

Since then, everyday after his meals, Mr. Crocodile could enjoy his moment of peace. He kept on eating, drinking and sleeping peacefully. A month later, his teeth began to ache. His teeth were rotten and he was suffering from a very bad toothache. He felt miserable for a whole week.
至此之後, 每日鱷魚先生食完飯, 佢就可以好享受佢o既寧靜la. 佢繼續安寧咁去食野,飲野同埋訓覺. 一個月之後, 佢d 牙好似感到痛la. 佢d牙腐爛同埋佢有一個好勁o既牙痛. 佢痛左成個禮拜.

One day Miss Plover happened to fly by the river. She saw how miserable Mr. Crocodile was and felt sympathetic. She flew in front of him and asked if he would let her help to relief his pain. Mr. Crocodile was too happy to have someone to help him. So, Miss Plover spent a whole afternoon working hard – cleaning and scrubbing until Mr. Crocodile ‘s teeth did not hurt anymore.
有一日千鳥小姐咁o岩飛過個河. 佢見到鱷魚先生有幾痛並且產生左d同情心la. 佢飛去佢前面問佢俾唔俾佢去解救佢o既痛楚. 鱷魚先生感到好開心有人幫佢. 咁千鳥小姐就花左成個下晝o既努力, 清潔同埋擦佢d牙直到鱷魚先生唔再痛.

Feeling much better, Mr. Crocodile was thankful for Miss Plover ‘s help. He was ashamed of his bad behaviour earlier. He apologized to Miss Plover immediately.
感覺好好多, 鱷魚先生非常感激千鳥小姐o既幫忙. 佢感到好慚愧因為佢之前o既態度. 佢即刻同千鳥小姐道歉.

Since then, the two became good friends and would meet up with each other everyday after meals.
從此之後, 佢地兩個成為好朋友同埋會見面係每日食完飯之後@@

2008-03-07 23:13:44 補充:
Mr. Crocodile was too happy to have someone to help him
too 乜乜 to 乜乜, 意思係太 乜乜 以致不能 乜乜,例如,
too difficult to understand即係太難以致唔明白
參考: experience of english
2008-03-08 7:12 am
Crocodile 先生和Plover 小姐

每天在他的大膳食, Crocodile 以後先生會張他的嘴採取好的休息。確切地此時, Plover 小姐會飛行入他的嘴尋找食物並且清掃他的牙。

Crocodile 先生恨各種各樣的動物。他認為他們是討厭。一天, Crocodile 先生不能再容忍Plover 小姐。他咆哮了, "能` t 您看I ` m 睡覺嗎? 走開! 唐` t 干擾我和笠頭` t 再回來! "Plover 小姐害怕了。她立刻飛行。她沒有是Crocodile 先生` s 牙醫。

從那以後, 每天在他的飯食, Crocodile 以後先生能享受他的和平的片刻。他保持了在平安地吃, 喝和睡覺。一個月以後, 他的牙開始酸疼。他的牙是腐爛的並且他遭受一非常壞toothache 。他感到淒慘一個整星期。

一個天小姐Plover 偶然飛行由河。她看見了多麼淒慘的先生Crocodile 是和感到有同情心。她飛行在他前面和問如果他會讓她的幫助對安心他的痛苦。Crocodile 先生太愉快以至於不能有某人幫助他。如此, Plover 小姐度過了一個整下午艱苦運作- 清潔和洗刷直到Crocodile 先生` s 牙沒再傷害了。

感覺好, Crocodile 先生是感激的為Plover 小姐` s 幫助。他對他的壞行為羞愧及早。他立刻道歉對Plover 小姐。

從那以後, 二適合好朋友, 會互相碰見每天在飯食以後。
參考: 自己
2008-03-08 7:10 am
在他的大的飯之后每天,鱷魚先生將張開他的嘴帶一個好的小睡。 在這個時期正好,千鳥小姐將突然爆發他的嘴尋找食品和清理他的牙齒。

鱷魚先生憎惡各種動物。 他認為他們討厭。 有一天,鱷魚先生不能再容忍千鳥小姐。 他吼叫,你能看見我睡? 走開﹗ 唐打擾我,指導老師再來﹗ 千鳥小姐是害怕的。 她立即飛走。 她不再是鱷魚牙科醫生先生。

從那以後,在他的飯之后每天,鱷魚先生能享受他的和平的片刻。 他繼續吃,喝酒和和平睡。 一個月后,他的牙齒開始疼。 他的牙齒是腐爛的,他正受非常嚴重的牙痛之苦。 他感到痛苦一整周。

有一天千鳥小姐碰巧在這條河旁邊飛。 她看出鱷魚先生多么痛苦並且感到同情。 她飛在他的前面並且問他將讓她幫助給減輕他的痛苦如果。 鱷魚先生太高興不能有某人幫助他。 因此,千鳥小姐度過一整下午工作努力打掃並且擦洗鱷魚先生牙齒沒再傷害。

感到好多了,鱷魚先生感謝千鳥小姐幫助。 他更早以他的壞行為為恥。 他立即向千鳥小姐道歉。


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