✔ 最佳答案
如果你的相片是放在電腦上, 及只是掉進資源回收筒, 問題就最易解決, 可以先開啟資源回收筒, 見到那刪除了的圖片檔案名稱, 便 right click 它, 選擇還原, 便無事了.
如果你已清洗了資源回收筒, 或刪除的圖片是放在 card 上的, 便麻煩一點, 或可安裝一個名為 Recover Files 的免費軟件來救你的圖片了, 以下是下載網的描述及下載點地址:
Recover Files is an award winning program that can undelete / recoverdeleted files after they have been deleted. Recover Files is aprofessional file recovery software that allows it's user to recoveraccidentally deleted files. Even files removed from the Recycle Bin,network drive, compact flash card, .....