A object question

2008-03-08 12:38 am
someone said to me" i bought peter a fruit basket."
i want to ask it is correct?
and then if i say "i bought a fruit basket for a john "it is also ok,right?

回答 (3)

2008-03-08 1:13 am
✔ 最佳答案
someone said to me" i bought peter a fruit basket."這句話應寫成
Someone said to me,'I bought Peter a fruit basket.'
and then you should say 'I bought a fruit basket for John.'
2008-03-17 12:49 am
The sentence "I bought Peter a fruit basket" is correct.

You can say:
1. I bought a fruit basket for John. (Don't put "a" before the name.)
2. I bought John a fruit basket.
2008-03-08 3:21 am
i bought peter a fruit basket = 我給彼得買水果籃

i bought a fruit basket for a john = 我買了一個水果籃為約翰

I think it should be " I bought a fruit basket to John"

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