Nikon D-60 定 Sony a200 好 ?

2008-03-08 12:31 am
新手 ..
1. Nikon D-60 定 Sony a200 好 ?
2. Nikon D-60 同 Sony a200 功能上有咩唔同地方 ? (其他方面都得)
e.g. 自動對焦 果 d ...

唔該有咁詳盡講咁詳盡 ..
但係唔好把佢地既原篇介紹 copy 比我 - -"
thz =]

回答 (2)

2008-03-08 3:27 am
✔ 最佳答案
Let me try to explain...
There have TWO brand name, Nikon / Sony.... for DSLR, I always think that, body mean nothing... even you have a TOP model body today... but after one or two years later, your model will fade out due to the technology update... but for the lens... it almost can let you to use more than 6~8 years or more... some lens King you have, can use for life (if you keep in good condition), therefore, I always look for the lens rather than body. For your case, I prefer Nikon, being the lens support better than Sony... even one day you don't want to play DSLR, you still have market for 2nd hands.

And also, Nikon D60 use the new cmos for this model, the noise control are good, or one day you want to upgarde highend body, you can choice D300, D3 ... or later model...
For me... I no regert to choice Nikon....
2008-03-09 1:12 am
樓上的英文人想講的都 arm 的...
Sony 現在太小鏡...二手市場比較小.. 找/放二手鏡比較難...
但無人知三兩年之後 Sony 會玩成點... 會出多幾多鏡...

以下係我的觀點.. 睇唔 arm 可以 delete.
1. $$
D60 比 A200 貴約一千
2. 鏡
D60 比 A200 的選擇多
D60 無 motor無防震, A200 兩樣都有.
4. 色水/ ISO/ WB

C/P 價個人覺得 A200 好 D.
但 D60 有龐大的鏡頭組 [雖然好多唔係 AFS]

點 Choose 係睇個人需要..
作為一個 be-beginner,無咩要求,但求有單機影相 我覺得 A200 la.. 因為比較平.

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