although and but 的分別?

2008-03-07 10:53 pm
幾時用"although", 幾時用 "but"?
1. Kevin likes eating sweet food. He doesn't like eating chocolate.
2. He likes playing ball games. He doesn't like playing football.
3. He enjoys travelling by taxi. He ususlly goes to work by bus.
4. He hates feeling hot. He seldom uses the air-con.

回答 (4)

2008-03-07 11:04 pm
✔ 最佳答案

in spite of (the fact that...)
Although it was very muddy, the football game went on.
but, except that

[edit] Usage notes
When conjunctions, the words "although" and "though" are generally interchangeable:
Although she smiled, she was angry. = Though she smiled, she was angry.
"Although" is usually placed at the beginning of its clause, whereas "though" may occur elsewhere and is the more common term when used to link words or phrases (as in "wiser though poorer"). In certain constructions, only "though" is acceptable:
Fond though I am of sports, I'd rather not sit through another basketball game.

[edit] Synonyms
(in spite of): notwithstanding (that), even if, albeit (that)

[edit] Related terms
even though
enPR: bŭt, IPA: /bʌt/, SAMPA: /bVt/
Audio (US)help, file
Rhymes: -ʌt
Homophones: butt

[edit] Preposition

(obsolete, except in Scots) Outside of, without.
Away but the hoose and tell me whae's there.

[edit] Adverb
but (not comparable)

not comparable
none (absolute)

Merely, only.
Since that day, my mood has changed but a little.

[edit] Conjunction
Wikipedia has an article on:

Except (for), excluding.
I like everything but that. I have no choice but to leave.
However, on the contrary (introducing a word or clause that contrasts with or contradicts the preceding clause or sentence).
I am not rich but poor. You told me I could do that but she said that I could not.
Although, nevertheless (implies that the following clause is contrary to prior belief).
She is very old, but still attractive.

[edit] Usage notes
Beginning a sentence with but or any other conjunction is considered incorrect by classical grammarians, but use of the word in this way is very common. It is however best to avoid beginning a sentence with but in formal writing.
2008-03-07 11:07 pm

"Although" 的意思是雖然,"But"的意思是不過。
兩者皆用於連接兩句意思相反的句子,不過"Although" 須放於句子之前,而 "but"須放於comma之後。
1. Although Kevin likes eating sweet food, he doesn't like eating chocolate.
2. Although he likes playing ball games, he doesn't like playing football.
3. Although he enjoys travelling by taxi, he usually goes to work by bus.
4. Although he hates feeling hot, he seldom uses the air-con.
1. Kevin likes eating sweet food, but he doesn't like eating chocolate.
2. He likes playing ball games, but he doesn't like playing football.
3. He enjoys travelling by taxi, but he usually goes to work by bus.
4. He hates feeling hot, but he seldom uses the air-con.
2008-03-07 11:06 pm
Although = 雖然..., 但是.....
But = .....但是.....


Kevin likes eating sweet food BUT he doesnt like eating chocolate
ALTHOUGH Kevin likes eating sweet food, he doesnt like eating chocolate

He likes playing ball games BUT he doesnt like playing football.
ALTHOUGH he likes playing ball games, he doesnt like playing football.

He enjoys travelling by taxi BUT he ususlly goes to work by bus.
ALTHOUGH he enjoys travelling by taxi, he ususlly goes to work by bus.

He hates feeling hot BUT he seldom uses the air-con.
ALTHOUGH he hates feeling hot, he seldom uses the air-con.
參考: self
2008-03-07 10:56 pm
1. although Kevin likes eating sweet food. but he doesn't like eating chocolate.
2. although He likes playing ball games. but he doesn't like playing football.
3. although He enjoys travelling by taxi. but he ususlly goes to work by bus.
4. although He hates feeling hot. but he seldom uses the air-con.

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