
2008-03-07 6:25 pm
How much of an impact has increased material costs had on your branch for Q1, by month? Also, have you been able to pass any of this along in the way of price increases (or have you had to cut your prices) and if so, by how much?

這是美國人寫的英語,難不了. 請英語高手幫忙!

回答 (3)

2008-03-07 7:09 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Increased material costs = 原材料成本上漲
to have an impact on = 對…有影響
how much = 幾多
your branch = 你分行
Q1 (first quarter)= 第一季
by month = 每月
How much of an impact has [increased material costs] had on your branch for Q1, by month? = 在第一季內,每月計,原材料的成本上漲對你分行有幾多影響?

pass along = 轉嫁到
to be able to = 能夠
in the way of = ……的方法/途徑
price increases = 提高價格
Have you been able to pass [any of this] along in the way of price increases, and if so, by how much? 你能否借加價的途徑去轉嫁這個(指成本上漲),如有,有多少?

cut prices = 割價
or have you had to cut your prices 或者你要割價

2008-03-07 6:50 pm

英国和美国的英文本来就是一模一样,就是spelling有点不同.就这样.抱歉啦!我只会打简体字,而且还要是普通话呢.. 真的很抱歉哦.
2008-03-07 6:44 pm
How much of an impact has increased material costs had on your branch for Q1, by month?

Also, have you been able to pass any of this along in the way of price increases (or have you had to cut your prices) and if so, by how much?

i am not sure, cuz i am studying british english, just 2 give u a main idea^^
參考: experience of english

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