我想擺 5-6 圍婚宴酒席

2008-03-07 2:17 pm
我想擺 5-6 圍酒席, about $5000 -$6000 一圍. The best is nearby a hotel~!
Any good idea!?!?

回答 (2)

2008-03-13 5:47 pm
✔ 最佳答案
你可以選黃埔海逸, 有海境, 又有細function room. 不過你要擺酒店的話, 唔好預$7000樓下有交易

呢個星期有婚紗展, 你去睇下有咩offer啦.
2008-03-07 2:29 pm
When do you plan to have the banquet?
你要出去問下 nearby restaurant or hotel for availability first, 因為好多地方要多過 1 year 前 book
佢地有位再考慮. hope it helps
參考: my friends

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