亞伯拉罕 以撒 約瑟 雅各 嘅人物關係 + 生平

2008-03-07 1:26 pm
亞伯拉罕 以撒 約瑟 雅各 嘅人物關係 + 生平 thxthx

回答 (2)

2008-03-07 2:25 pm
✔ 最佳答案
亞伯拉罕 (Abraham) 生 以撒 (Isaac)
以撒 (Isaac) 生雅各 (Jacob)
雅各(Jacob) 生約瑟 (Joseph)

1. Abraham was called by God to leave his own town to go to the promised land at an old age. He and his wife could not give any babies, but by faith they trust God, so Abraham was called the "信心之父".

2. Isaac was the child from Abraham and Sarah. He was the promised child. He got married with Rebekah at age 40. They later had a pair of twins, Esau and Jacob.

3. Jacob fled the family after cheating for his dad's blessings. His life was characterized by deceit and lies, but later God wrestle with him and changed his life. He was renamed Israel 以色列。

4. Joseph was the first son of Jacob and Rachel. He was most loved by Joseph but aroused jealousy from his brothers. He was sold to Egypt by his brothers at a young age. He became a slave, got persecuted and get imprisoned, led a very harsh youth. But he remained faithful to follow God and eventually God made him an important official in Egypt. He had the God-given talent of interpreting dreams. Later, he met his family again and reconciled. This was how their family started living in Egypt. And it leads to why the Israelites later live in Egypt. Joseph預表基督

Great bible studies uploaded at: www.biblerc.org

Feel free to message me if you're interested in the Bible and Christianity
參考: the Bible
2008-03-07 1:46 pm
亞伯拉罕 以撒 約瑟 雅各 嘅人物關係 + 生平
第一節 以 撒

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