
2008-03-07 12:16 pm

我想讀IT同地理﹐其它都未想過﹗(同埋唔知IT有唔有用呢﹖因為我朋友佢話IT係學唔多家﹗) 其實我想好次你金。 都係想以後做BUSNESS家﹗ 多謝你家回覆﹗

回答 (2)

2008-03-08 10:57 am
✔ 最佳答案
你可以同老師傾下,佢地可以同你分析下你的 Strenths and weaknesses, 同目標.

我本身讀文商,大學讀商科,而家都係做 business 的工.
I encourage you to take some 文科 subjects even you don't love it, because it will be very beneficial to you. A good way to broaden your worldview and also improve your language skills. Take some history and literature classes and they will be very helpful for your university life.

仲有,你打算在哪裡讀大學呢? HK, UK and US all different. so you should really explore these topics a little bit.
Feel free to e-mail me for more questions. You can pray to God for guidance also.
參考: my experience

1) 你是喜歡比較實在的去背或去記的???文科!!!

2) 你是喜歡比較活學活用的???理科!!!

3) 你是對數字數據都有興趣的???商科!!!

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