
2008-03-07 8:41 am

1.Smart preparation

You must prepare youself before the interview.Think of the questions that are likely to be asked an interview,and prepare answers for them.

Frequently asked questions in a job interview
1.Why do you want to do this job?

2.Can you tell me something about youself?

3.How did you learn about this post?

4.What do you think we expect of this post?

5.What are your strengths?

6.What are your weaknesses?

7.Why should we employ you?

8.Why do you want to leave?

9.If I employ you,how long are you going to stay here?

10.How would you see yourself in five years?

11.How do you think you can contribute to our company?

12.Do you have any questions?

回答 (1)

2008-03-07 9:05 am
✔ 最佳答案
1.Smart preparation (事前準備功夫)

You must prepare youself before the interview.Think of the questions that are likely to be asked an interview,and prepare answers for them.(你一定要在你面試前作出準備功夫。諗一d問題可能會在面試當中向你提問,你要準備一些答案去回答它。

Frequently asked questions in a job interview (在面試中常問的問題)
1.Why do you want to do this job? (為什麼你想做這份工?)

2.Can you tell me something about youself? (你能否紹介一下你自己?)

3.How did you learn about this post? (你在這個職位當中學到什麼東西?)

4.What do you think we expect of this post? (你認為我們對這個職位的要求是什麼?)

5.What are your strengths? (你的長處是什麼?)

6.What are your weaknesses? (你的弱項是什麼?)

7.Why should we employ you? (為什麼我們要聘請你?)

8.Why do you want to leave? (你為什麼要離職?)

9.If I employ you,how long are you going to stay here? (如果我們聘請你,你會留在這間公司多久?)

10.How would you see yourself in five years? (你覺得你自己在五年內會變成怎樣?)

11.How do you think you can contribute to our company? (你認為你可以怎樣為公司作出貢獻?)

12.Do you have any questions? (你有否其他問題想問?)
參考: 純粹靠自己

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