
2008-03-07 8:20 am
有冇朋友試過從荷蘭乘火車去法國, 中途要轉車嗎?
另外, 巴黎地鐵路線有哪幾條比較雜呢, 有人記得嗎?

回答 (2)

2008-03-11 12:03 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I can give you another advise from Gare de Lyon to Opera, you can take RER A, from the station Gare de Lyon to Auber, is direct. From Auber to Opera just only 5 mins on walk. And the metro of Paris isn't dangerous, is the area, for ex: line 11 isn't dangerous but the station Belleville is most dangerous area in Paris... So, is depend!!! When you come to Opera, you can come to Galerie Laffayette to take the map of Paris because, I can tell you which area is dangerous. Paris 18, 19, 20 eme. North and East Paris are most dangerous in Paris, evan I live in Paris, I never want to buy apartment in these area!!! And I never living in these area too.
參考: I live in Paris since 7 years
2008-03-07 8:54 am
從荷蘭哪裡出發 ? 到法國什麼地方 ?? 你沒有說明, 我便解作阿姆斯特丹到巴黎吧
從阿姆斯特丹到巴黎, 你可選乘 Thalys 高速火車, 是直達的, 需時約 5 小時, 車費約為 100 - 120 歐元單程 (來回價也相差不遠) 一天有 5 - 6 班的.
如果出發時間不能找到直車, 你可以先搭火車到布魯塞爾, 然後再於布魯塞爾轉 Thalys 到巴黎. 費用和時間相約的. Thalys 火車於巴黎的總站是 Gare du Nord (火車北站)
從 Gare de Lyon (里昂火車站) 出發去 Opera 區 (歌劇院附近的購物區), 你可乘 14 線 metro 到 Madeleine, 然後轉 8 線, 搭 1 個站, 便是 Opera 了.
巴黎的 metro 感覺的確比較亂, 特別是第 2 及 4 線, 因為途經地區較雜, 因此需小心一點. 而比較常用的第 1 及 6 線, 因人多關係, 也需要提防小偷. 其餘就沒什麼問題, 但也需要提高警剔的...
參考: living in Paris for 1 year before + personal travel experience

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