Easy 10 Points!!!?

2008-03-06 10:20 pm
Ok! I really want to play on Build A Bear Ville.com but I don't have a welcome pass! If you have one and give me it I will give you Best Answer. PS: Please don't tell me to go buy a Bear because I don't live near one!! Thank You!

I already have 17 WEbkinz!


Thank you so much Lexi that would be awesome!

回答 (3)

2008-03-06 10:30 pm
✔ 最佳答案
ok i will ask my aunt to get one then i will put it up for you maybe if she lets me b/c she works for babw you know what there is a lot of babw so don't give me that just get a bear they are only like 15 dollars! Oh and that has no viruses b/c i know and my aunt is the manager for babw so ya!!!

hope this helps and babw means bulid a bear workshop!!!
2008-03-06 10:31 pm
i don't have one.
2008-03-06 10:26 pm
Please just get a webkinz or something instead of asking for someone`s welcome pass.(besides the site gives you viruses)
參考: my computer crashed

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