The following words are related to language learning.在( )內的是字首.
1.the act of judging or forming an opinion about something. (a)
2.being able to speak two languages equally well. (b)
3.subjects that are included in acourse of study (c)
4.order and control (d)
5.the beginner's level (e) educational organization (i)
7.words used by a particular profession or group of people, and are difficult for others to understand. (I)
8.the ability to read and write (L)
9.a person who speaks a language as their first language (n)
10.being able to do something well because of training and practice (p)
11.having passed the exams or completed the training in order to do a particular job.(q)
12.a list of topics, books that students study in a particular subject at school(s)
13.higher level education (t)
14.first degee students (u)
15.words for learning a foreign language (v)
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