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Romantic White Mousse Cake 白之戀人慕士蛋糕
Ingredients(2-layer 6-inch cake) 材料(6吋蛋糕份量)
2 sponge cake (1.5 cm thick) 清蛋糕 2 片 around 1.5 cm 厚
75g white chocolate 白朱古力 75克
1 egg yolk 蛋黃 1只
150g fresh cream 淡忌廉 150克
35g milk 鮮奶 35克
5g gelatine 魚膠片 5 克
some crushed white chocolate for decoration 白古力碎(裝飾用) 隨意
Directions 製作
1. Melt white chocolate over a bowl of hot water until ready for later use.
將白朱古力用熱水隔水煮溶,待用 。
2.Whip the egg yolk, add the mlk and beat again.
蛋黃用打蛋器打起,加入鮮奶再打 。
3.Fold in melt white chocolate.
再加入白朱古力醬攪勻 。
4. Melt the gelatine in hot water and fold into 3.
再加入已溶解的魚膠片 。
5. Whip the fresh cream until 80% set.
將淡忌廉打至8成企身 。
6. Fold the 1 of 3 whipped cream into the white chocolate mixture,
then put it back to the 2 of 3 whipped cream and fold.
7. Pour the mixture into the cake mould which placed with sponge cakes,
then chill in the refrigerator until set.
倒入已放好清蛋糕片的模內,放入雪櫃雪至凝固 。
8. Top the cake with the crushed white chocolate as you like.