
2008-03-07 6:22 am

回答 (2)

2008-03-09 3:36 am
✔ 最佳答案
你好, 其實你自己都可以在網上揾到好多關於"巧克力和健康"的資料的. 你不妨用google或yahoo打 "chocolate and health"揾.

我幫你睇過, 揾了以下的網址. 你可以去參考一下. 記住唔好照抄. 要經過自己思考先好寫你篇英文作文呀!!!
1) Better Health Channel--Chcoclate:
壞處: chocolate can contribute to migraines, acne and obesity.
好處: 可可豆中有些成分對人體有益, 或可預防心臟病 (heart disease), 癌症 (cancer), 或其他退化性疾病 (other degenerative illnesses).
--個網頁仲列了chocolate的成份, 資料都好詳盡. 你可以好好睇睇, 再寫要點.

2) WebMD--Dark Chocolate Is Healthy Chocolate: 這個網頁講dark chocolate的好處的.
dark chocolate的好: 減低血壓 (lower blood pressure), 能抗氧化 (antioxidant).

3) Health by Chocolate: 這個網介紹三種巧克力, 聲稱各有不同的成份對人體有益. 你可以用佢地來做例子!!!
Instant Bliss Beauty Bar--有抗氧化劑(with antioxidants), 對皮膚好.
Women's Wonder Bar--有不同成份 (chaste tree berry, flax, soy, 和 rose mary)可緩和經期前症候群徵(premenstual syndrome)和更年期 (menopause).
Beautiful Bones Bar--有鈣 (calcium), 維他命D (vitamin D), 維他命K(vitamin K), 對骨骼好.

網上仲有好多好文章, 你比心機啦!!! 加油呀!!!
2008-03-07 11:36 pm
Chocolate contains trans fat which is unhealthy to human and may laed to obesity and eating too much chocolate may cause diseases like diabete and heart disease.
Chocolate also contains caffein that affect the brains if consumed too much.

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