有冇以前既遊戲的英文名 我要30個字唔該

2008-03-07 4:59 am
you have old game ?give 30 old ok ?

回答 (1)

2008-03-07 7:31 pm
✔ 最佳答案
What do you meany by "old" game? Try:
Slide 滑梯
Hopscotch 跳格子
Seesaw 翹翹板
Merry-go-round 旋轉盤
Jungle gym 攀緣架
Spinning top 陀螺
Cricket fight 鬥蟋蟀
Checkers 跳棋
Marbles 彈珠子
Musical chairs 音樂椅
Hide-and-seek 捉迷藏
hula hoop 呼啦圈
kite 風箏
tug of war 拔河
swing 鞦韆
Dodgeball 閃避球
Paper fortune teller 東南西北
Green light, Red light 一二三紅綠燈
Rubber band jumping 跳橡皮筋
Spoon and egg race 匙蛋賽跑
Arm wrestle 比腕力 / 拗手瓜
for more, see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Children%27s_games

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