
2008-03-07 3:17 am
1 How come he can approach her thus?

2 How come he can approach her thus and thus?

3 How come he can approach her thus and so?

回答 (1)

2008-03-07 5:37 am
✔ 最佳答案
The solution :
以下只是我的估計,請勿過分抄襲 ~
1 ) How come he can approach her thus ?
A : 為何他可以這麼接近她呢 ?
2 ) How come he can approach her thus and thus ?
A : 為何他可以愈來愈接近她呢 ?
3 ) How come he can approach her thus and so ?
A : 之所以他能那麼接近她,是什麼的一回事呢 ?

詞語的解釋 :
1 ) approach = 接近
2 ) thus = 這麼 / 那麼
3 ) thus and thus = 愈來愈
參考: My brain

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