Set up network

2008-03-06 8:36 pm
公司有 8 部腦 (有 vista, XP 同 Mac),
想用其中一部 (Vista) 當 server 用,
整個 share folder 比其他腦做 network drive

公司有好多無用既 Linksys router
但係每個都係得4 個 port, 我 Setting 如下:

第一個 Router (R1) LAN IP:
enable 左 DHCP, from to
set subnet
如是者插左 3 部腦, 留返最後個 port 插左係 Router2 (R2) 度

我將 R2 set 做 LAN IP 做 WAN IP 做 gateway
subnet 都係

插 R2 既電腦上唔到網亦 share 唔到 server 既 file,
而 R1 既電腦雖然係可在網絡上的芳鄰睇到 Server 既 File
但一 map 在做 network drive 就開唔到個 network drive
我已 set 了 workgroup, 開晒網絡探索
係咪有咩 set 錯? 定係仲要 Set Static Routing? (唔識 Set ... =.=)


回答 (2)

2008-03-06 9:53 pm
✔ 最佳答案
In this scheme Router R1 which is connected to the internet now is in charge of supplying an internet socket to R2. This means R2 will see R1 as the internet gateway and won’t expect any more from it.

We’ll set R1 with IP and DHCP disabled. Connect a cable from a free LAN port to the WAN port of router R2.

Now set the internet connection of R2 as a static IP address with the value of R1: IP, Netmask / Gateway

That configuration alone should bring internet to R2. Now we want R2 to act as LAN and DHCP server. Let’s put its IP address to (an example) with its LAN network of netmask, the DHCP server starting with IP

Now every device connected to a LAN port on R2 will share that network. If you attach another cable from a LAN port on R2 to a LAN port on R1, R1 will now act as a switch for R2. Therefore the DHCP on R2 will service the computers attached on R1, each computer will ’see’ each other. We’ve solved the problems encountered in option 2.

So we’ll have Internet -> Router R1 (router mode) -> Router R2 (main router) -> Router R1 (switch). You’ll able to use some router features on R1 (before the packets arrive to R2 and after they are sent from R2) as well as those on R2. We’ve solved the problems encountered in option 1.

When booting you LAN, start with R1 and see that your computers won’t get an IP address from R1. Start R2 and see that it gets an internet connection. Renew the addresses on the computers connected on R1 and see how the DHCP on R2 responds. As a matter of fact you’d rather start your LAN by turning router R1 first then R2.
2008-03-06 9:36 pm
你搞錯左呀............ =.="
你係想一個boardband share 晒比咁多部機用
咁做乜要買兩隻router, 如果係因為 port 唔夠既話, 去執隻switch 就收工, 而家做計你r1 router 有條線飛去r2 個wan port 到係咪?
好簡單 你試r1 飛條線過r2 個普通lan port 度, 乜都唔駛set 就ok 架喇, 應該已解決你個問題
因為咁睇你........... 都係用default setting 搞你隻router, 所以唔講點界個network 喇, 仲有, 為乜公司野用linksys 咁鬼屎...................

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