
2008-03-06 5:44 pm


回答 (5)

2008-03-06 8:41 pm
✔ 最佳答案
公司法例已改了, 兩年前左右都是要最少兩個人來開有限公司.
新例就一個人開一間有限公司已可以. 其實要先了解你自己想做什麼生意及規模.

1.有限債務責任,即債務責任只局限於你投放既投資額,萬一有什麼事情都都不會私人上身, 但最緊要係公司合法經營及帳目清楚妥善跟足稅例.
*如你有很多私人資產, 公司行業較具危險性及易和他人糾紛(EG:工程,貿易), 日後都有大規模的長遠發展則有限公司較安全.

1.手續煩覆, 日後理帳會計, 稅務核樓, 公司法secretary都是費用, 理帳報稅比無限公司還貴.

如果規模不大, 私人資產不多, 小生意模式及剛嘗試做生意, 則建議你開獨資:Becasue: 1.成立手續簡單; 2.不用核樓及公司法secretary之費用

1)一定要一本合付公司法例之dummy M & A(行內叫書仔,中文=組織章程大綱及章程細節, 此書係就你開什麼形式之有限公司及什麼特別規範來製作.

內有:公司名, 註冊條款, 股份註冊值, 股東info, 見證人info 及office registration address...etc (一般人做不來,因為copy錯就係公司有事起上來就大件事, 一定是會計師or律師follow, but律師貴很多)

公司註冊署之表格, 小心填寫公司名, 日期...etc

3)費用: 註冊署=$1700-$1800(若股數不於10,000) 商業登記費$2,600(如是08年4月至09年3月申請, 應是只比600便可) 成立貴用: 約$1800-2600(有公司章程, 登記冊, 公司印等)

5) 股本最少是10,000股, $1=1股, 即一萬元, 此一萬元是形式上的, 是不用付出, normally you could understand as $10,000 is the maximun claim by the others

6) 最少一個懂事及股東是對的, 亦要ready 公司名稱是不會與他人相同or買現剩公司都可以, 註冊地址亦要ready.

如不明or要幫忙, 可e-mail to me.
2008-03-08 6:16 am
u can email me, [email protected]
2008-03-06 6:18 pm
As this involve a complicated issue, using an outside professional is recommended. First, you have to determind the name of your company and to check this name is registratable or not. 2. you have to get the details of the subscriber(s), director(s), company secretary and shareholder(s). Details of their identity cards/passports and their residential addresses. 3. Registered office of the company 4. Authorised and issued Share Capital.
Now, you can have a limited company with a sole director and a sole shareholder.
The registration of a limited company is governed by the Companies Ordinance and therefore to the Companies Registry while the business registration is in Inland Revenue Department.
There is no strict requirement of share capital. So, technically speaking, $1 for 1 share is acceptable. The money you have to spend initially is the cost of formation including the BR fee.
2008-03-06 5:57 pm
1. told the government

2. enough money

3. the building of government

4. $500000000
2008-03-06 5:52 pm

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