help me PLX!

2008-03-06 10:44 am
brought up in a society that upholds the Confucian values of being filial
仲有 married off 係解咩?
仲有一個好簡單的問題: XXXX ' s 同XXXX s ' 有咩唔同? 點樣用
學過 不過唔記得佐= ="

回答 (1)

2008-03-06 11:02 pm
✔ 最佳答案
brought up in a society that upholds the Confucian values of being filial可譯作

married off 解作「嫁給」、出嫁的意思
He has married off his daughter to a merchant.
XXXX ' s 是某人/某地方/某年/月/日的
XXXX s '是眾人/眾地方的,
State Family Planning and Poplation Commission 中的 State 是指國家的, Commission 是解作「委員會/機構/部門」
跟 the commission has listed 中的 commission 是一樣的
brining down 可能是串錯字,其實有可能是bringing down,可解作打低、倒下、减低的意思。
參考: 牛津字典書

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