幫我轉左中文 15點

2008-03-06 8:48 am
Good mornimg, boys and girls.

My name is W l work for a charity called Sowers Action.lm here today to teell you about my work.Sowers Action helps the young in the poor parts of China .When l joined it a few years ago,my friends asfed me to think twice.Why?Because l don t get any money!l m a volunteer.

Sometimes, l have to go the remote areas in China. Mu parents alwats remind me to be careful because l m still a child in their eyes. l enjiy my job very much.Because of our work,many children from poor families can get an education,l believe they will have a great future.

回答 (2)

2008-03-06 9:10 am
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Good mornimg, boys and girls.
各位男同學、女同學(男生、女生), 早晨(早安):

My name is W l work for a charity called Sowers Action.lm here today to teell you about my work.Sowers Action helps the young in the poor parts of China .When l joined it a few years ago,my friends asfed me to think twice.Why?Because l don t get any money!l m a volunteer.

(以上有幾個英文字是打錯了, 請板主留意, asfed改為asked)
(括號內, 是稍作修改或添加或替換, 請板主自行選擇。)

我的名字叫W, 我服務於一間苗圃行動的慈善機構。今天我在這裡是想和大家分享一下我的工作。苗團行動是協助一些中國貧困地區的學童(小朋友)。當幾年前, 我參與這個活動時, 朋友叫我三思。為什麼呢, 因為這活動是沒有任何報酬! (然而我並沒有介意, 並以當義工為榮對) 我是一位義工。

2008-03-06 01:16:00 補充:

(以上有幾個英文字是打錯了, 請板主留意,
Mu改為My, alwats改為always, enjiy改為enjoy)

有時候, 我需要到中國的偏遠地區。我的父母親經常叮囑我要小心謹慎, 因為我在他們的眼中仍是一個小孩子 ( 所以他們實在放心不下)。我很享受我的工作。有了我們的協助及參與, 不少來自窮困家庭的小孩子能接觸(獲得)教育, 因此我相信這些小孩子會有美好的將來。

2008-03-06 01:21:10 補充:

苗團行動並組織了很多善款募捐的活動, 例如「步行上廣州」是我們一年一度的慈善活動, 目的是為了內地的小孩子籌集更多的善款。如果你想參與(成為義工/ 加入義工的行列), 歡迎你到來與我聯絡。


2008-03-06 01:21:38 補充:
希望你珍惜我對你的協助, 因為我自己花了不少時間翻譯的, 謝謝。
參考: 自己知識, 自己知識, 自已知識
2008-03-06 4:25 pm
Good mornimg, boys and girls.

My name is W. I work for a charity called Sowers Action.lm here today to teell(是tell) you about my work(用job 或 career(自己想做的工作)比较好噢).Sowers Action helps the young (+ people 或 )children) in the poor parts of China .When l joined it a few years ago,my friends asfed(是asked) me to think twice.Why?Because l don t get any money!l m a volunteer.

我的名字是W。 我在一个叫Sowers Action里做个义工。今天我在这是想告诉你我的工作。Sowers Action在中国里是帮些没有钱的小孩们的。当我在几年前加入时,我的朋友叫我想多一次“为什么要帮呢?”他问我就是因为我是个打义工的而已,我都没钱拿呢!

Sometimes, l have to go the remote areas in China. Mu parents alwats (是 always) remind me to be careful because l m still a child in their eyes. l enjiy(是 enjoy) my job very much.Because of our work,many children from poor families can get an education,l believe (可以加 that,也可以不加。我的提议是加了比较好而已。)they will have a great future.


we also organize many fund-raising activities,(应该是sentence的尾巴了。)For evample.Walk to Guangzhou is our annual charity event to raise money for the children in China.lf you d like to help us,please come and talk to me.


l hope to see you in our future fund-raising activities.Thank you.



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