which one is best? xbox 360 or Play Staion 3?

2008-03-06 12:59 am
i like xbox 360 best but play station 3 is stink cause it hard to play control and it stupid games and don't have halo 3.... tell me i want see who like the best most......

回答 (6)

2008-03-06 1:03 am
✔ 最佳答案
xbox 360 is better and cheaper the graphics are really nice and xbox 360 gives you achievements to complete which makes you play games longer
2008-03-06 9:07 am
soooory, but you are on crack" First thing, Ps3 is more expensive. Pse plays BlueRay. Xbox doesn't, Ps3 has high wireless up to 300 feet. xbox doesn't ! Ps3 has hi def, when you dont even own high defenition! Now Xobx, has Halo 3, people were like ONFG i want that game, now look at ebay, it sells for 20 bucks, now look at Ps3, It has free internet, unlike xbox, 60$ a month( a$$hole$) taking your money! Ps3 games are cheaper, TIME Crisis 4 is out, more games are coming out for PS3 but if you like gay monster $hit then just buy the xbox360 and pay 60$ a month, good luck or you wont play live. ps3 has in hardware memory, so you can save thousadns of things in it, unlike xbox, 20 g :( Ps3 is reccomended, and more people buy it, that is all i am going to say, get 360 next week, you are going to throw it out the window!
參考: me
2008-03-06 9:39 am
xbox 360
2008-03-06 9:04 am
I would have to say Xbox 360, the graphics are amazing, it doesn't cost as much as PS3, and of course, their's Halo! WoOt Halo 3!!!
2008-03-06 9:02 am
me and my friends like xbox 360 more.
2008-03-06 9:06 am
360 is better da most expensive 360 cost da same as da cheapest PS3 also da graphics r better and also dey have Halo 3.


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