what could this sickness be? The symptoms are below..please help!?

2008-03-05 6:28 pm
I'm a 16 year old boy and yesterday morning I woke up with a strong headache. I slept with a fan right on my face and only wearing underwear so it might just be a cold. Some of the symptoms are headaches, fever (37-38.8 ºC) , neck stiffness, fatigue and MAYBE loss of apetite. I want to have an idea of what it could be before seeing a doctor. Thank you!

also mild soar throat.


also when i touch the top of my head it seems sensitive and hurts a bit.

回答 (22)

2008-03-05 6:39 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Sounds like a flu/cold strain...if you can, use zicam as soon as possible, it really works reducing the time of having flu/cold
(mine were usually gone in 3-4 days)
Take dayquil/nyquil to relieve all your symptoms, get a lot of rest and drink plenty of fluids.
Antibiotics do not cure a viral illness...you would only go to the doctor for antibiotics if there is a bacterial infection.
If your symptoms don't ease up in 7 days or are not gone
in 10 days go to the doctor.
Symptoms of meningitis mimic flu symptoms, beside your stiff neck, if you develop skin rashes or your eyes become sensitive to light go to the doctor right away.
2008-03-05 6:37 pm
Some viral infection, cold or flu.
You can take pain medication, cold tablets etc. before you consult your doctor.
2008-03-05 6:34 pm
You have the flu. All those symptoms seem normal. Sleep, drink lots of fluids and stay covered up. If you start to sweat, it just means your fever is breaking.
2008-03-05 6:32 pm
I would go to the doctor and check for meningitis just to be safe. .
2016-05-26 11:13 am
Men do get sympathy symptoms. My husband gained all the weight FOR TWINS. At the end of my pregnancy I was only 15 lbs heavier than I was in the beginning (mind that I lost weight in the beginning). He gained 20 lbs, and ended up looking like he was pregnant with twins. My father had all my mother's cravings with all 5 of us. He would have to go out at mid-night in rural Ohio to try to find someplace that had a mountain dew and milky way in the 80's(24 hour marts, what the heck are those). When I was pregnant with my son and lived alone my driving got really aggressive the last 3 months of my pregnancy. My husband and I were going somewhere a few weeks before I had the girls and he had bad road rage, especially for someone that is typically so laid back. Even his sons were making note of his driving techniques during that time.
2008-03-05 9:01 pm
you might want to get to the hospital soon you might have meningitis and that is nothing to play around with, did u drink out of someone else's cup or have oral contact with them just recently like the past 24 hrs ?
2008-03-05 6:41 pm
Sounds like you have the flu. You said you have fever, but your body temperature of 37-38.8F is within normal range. Just pop an aspirin to see if you will get any better.
2008-03-05 6:40 pm
The fan could have blown some sort of bacteria in your system?
The stiff neck would worry me a bit.
Worse case: torticollis or maybe cat-scratch fever (dont know enough about the systoms to get a clear idea just going with worse case here)
Are there lumps on your neck, discoloration? Is it sever, does it spazem. One side of the neck or both?
Could be mono...or just the flu/cold.
See how hard it is to get med advice from yahoo?
If can be anything and because I dont know you (eating habits, physical habits and life style) and I dont know your med history, well theres a lot left out and therefore no one will be able to give you an accurate reading.

Oh and PS: I'm a med student if that helps at all.

Talk to your doctor.
Neck trama is very serious.
2008-03-05 6:32 pm
you could be coming down with a bad case of the flu combind with a sinus cold you should see your doc
2008-03-05 6:31 pm
It sounds like the flu. Drink plenty of fluids and get some rest and you will feel better in a few days.

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