Is it worship of Padre Pio?

2008-03-05 3:37 pm
I just read another post asking `Why do Catholics worship the dead body of Padre Pio and could not give an answer as the member who asked, has blocked me simply because I am Catholic,how many more has he blocked I wonder?
I can only request that this person looks up the meaning of honor and then worship, and then stop Catholic bashing.
I know I risk annoying other members by posting this but isn`t it ridiculous for this person to block those best able to give an answer?

Thank you Edward, some people it seems forget that the commandment say`s`` Honor thy Father and Mother` and not worship, I think all logical Christians fully understand the difference,except a few illogical one`s.

回答 (7)

2008-03-05 3:44 pm
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Yes indeed and it is also cowardly and hypocritical when this occurs on this forum,I have noticed that this happens all too often when hardcore Fundamentalists post their insane drivel
here and it is actually their way of rallying support from others of their own mindset.
Any Catholic who has a decent knowledge of the Catechism of the church can usually refute the rants of these people but the price is that of being blocked from doing so again.
2008-03-05 3:57 pm
You're right. However, it is easy to see how people can confuse honor and worship.
We protestants see statues and icons, prayers to the saints, and make logical, if perhaps mistaken, conclusions.
We should be more open-minded.
2008-03-05 3:40 pm
Yes, it is.
2008-03-05 3:41 pm
If he is going to ask he should be open to an answer.
2008-03-05 3:40 pm
Right you are!!!!!!
2008-03-05 4:14 pm
Yes it is ridiculous. Anyone posting a question (especially an inflammatory one) should expect a wide variety of answers.
2016-10-08 11:33 am
For one ingredient Catholics do no longer 'worship' everybody yet God Almighty, to venerate a saintly guy, like Padre Pio, and ask him to interceed so you might God isn't worshiping. we are portion of the communion of saints, those in Heaven, Purgatory and on earth, we help one yet another only like we'd do if we've been all on earth and intercessions in prayer have constantly been a factor on the grounds that Apostolic circumstances.

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