
2008-03-06 5:55 am
而且每年也有交稅的, 媽媽則做家庭煮婦,

回答 (2)

2008-03-06 6:05 am
✔ 最佳答案
其實點解你唔打電話去稅局問清楚呢!?!? 我諗呢d問題你梗係問返評稅主任好d啦....
你張稅單上面應該有電話既, 再唔係可以打1083 , 不過稅單上個電話會岩用D, 因為我之前有關報供養父母免稅額既問題我都係打去問架, 佢地一定幫到你囉...
講真... 係到問既話, 萬一個答案都唔係100%準既... 咁你都係頭大架咋....
2008-03-06 11:11 am
the parent allowance HK$15,000 can be claimed even your parent still working, earn income and even have large amount of assets. The condition for claiming are: they are aged or over 55, you contribute to thier living( not less than 12,000 a year), they stay in HK mostly. If they live with you, you can claim the ' additional parent allowance' of another HK$15,000. Remember to put a tick on the box of your personal tax return for 'living together' or not' in order to claim this addtional allowance. Most people forget to tick this and loss the claiming of the additional allowance. By the way, when you receive the tax payment notice, remember to check the calculation at the back as IRD sometimes enter data incorrectly and omitt the granding of some of the allowance.
參考: my own professional practice and knowledge

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