有冇人跟東瀛遊 去過立山黑部????

2008-03-06 5:34 am
有冇人跟東瀛遊 去過立山黑部????


麻煩help help me la.......pls

回答 (2)

2008-03-07 6:47 am
✔ 最佳答案
l have been to 立山黑部 twice by myself. If you have no experience in travelling in Japan by yourselves, l think you better go by tour. But you have to sit in the tour bus for many hours which l cannot bear. l like travelling by train.

According to the site, 立山 雪の壁 will be opened from 17.4.08 to 20.5.08

立山 is a really nice place and worthwhile for visiting in different seasons. There is onsen at hilltop, volcanoes terrain and many hiking tracks at different levels. It is perfect for people enjoying natural beauty. Though in this season, you can only see 雪の壁 and the lower part of 立山, l still think it is worthwhile to go.

In mid-April and May, there might not be many places to see sakura. You may go to Hokkaido to see sakura in early~ mid-May.

In early May, you may goto 青森県 弘前城, 北海道松前町 松前公園, and 函館市 五稜郭公園 to see sakura.

Actually, you may arrange your schedule to see sakura first in early April and then going to 立山 in mid-April. You may find 桜前線 here:

For those who are not familiar with Japan travelling, the above answer seems to be great. But in fact, lots of the places are far apart and it may be difficult to carry out the plan within l day. For example:

立山 and 黑部 are 2 different places and it could not be completed within 3 hours.

from 富山 to 松本, it takes 5 hours and you have to transfer twice. The train is not frequesnt, if you missed it you have to take other trains which take longer time and more transfer is needed.

from 富山 to 軽井沢, it takes 3~4hours and you have to transfer twice. The fee is 10440円~11660円

2008-03-08 17:29:46 補充:
checked 東瀛遊. Only 5-day tour to 金澤 立山黑部

But not going to 合掌村
金澤 has a 民族村 where there is 合掌屋 but the tour does not go

2008-03-08 17:45:04 補充:
金澤兼六園 is good. The scenery of 立山黑部 and 能登半島 are good but l guess the tour only passby them.
The tour will be 1day up 金澤 to能登; 1day 富山 then 立山; 1day淺 間山to 軽井沢; 1day DisneyLand and shopping. 5hrs bus trip per day!

2008-03-08 17:52:32 補充:
Sorry, the 民族村with合掌屋 should be in 高山not金澤.

It is more worthwhile to go if the tour goto 白川鄕because there are not many bus going up白川鄕 and good planning is required for自由行. 白川鄕is also closed in wonter.
參考: my experience
2008-03-06 10:35 pm
立山黑部大約4月中開山, 今年天氣凍及下了幾場大雪, 最值得欣賞的雪之大壁應該很高, 我2006年去大約 19M 高,
旅行團應該 4 月中開始,
我認為自由行會較好, 因為交通方便, 在松本 http://www.toyoko-inn.com/china/ http://www.ekikara.jp/top.htm 住上立山可搭不同的交通工具.http://www.alpen-route.com/tw/index.html 在大町溫泉鄉買來回票便無需坐巴士到富山再花 5 個多小時坐火車回松本了. 還可能在松本看到櫻花.
http://www.alpen-route.co.jp/ 立山黑部官方綱站說 4月17日開山
東京、輕井澤 Factory Outlet、立山黑部、大阪、天橋立 觀光購物自由行

日期行程車站住宿交通 預計費用
兩人計 兩人計

第一曰乘搭豪華噴射機前往東京 7,000.00 56,000.00
香港至乘 17:13 JR 到松本 預計 21:38 到達5250松本東橫酒店成田機場 晚餐 5,000.00
成田空港 住宿 8,200.00

軽井沢 至乘 09:10 JR 到信濃大町 預計 10:04 到達650松本到信濃大町 午餐 3,000.00
立山黑部開始立山黑部之旅 交通 3 小時 遊覽 25,000.00
23/4/2006交通及觀光預計 8 小時完成 晚餐 3,000.00
乘 16:17 富山電鉄 回富山 預計 17:20 到達立山到富山 住宿 8,200.00
乘 18:01 JR 回 預計 22:47 到達3260松本東橫酒店富山到軽井沢 交通 3,000.00

第三日早餐於火車內軽井沢 住宿及早餐 23,000.00
輕井澤Check Out 午餐 3,000.00
24/4/2006乘 08:06 JR 到軽井沢預計 09:55 到達2210 晚餐 -
乘 14:19 JR 到仙台預計 16:37 到達6830
乘 14:58 JR 到仙台預計 17:32 到達
乘 15:22 JR 到仙台預計 17:37 到達

第四日早餐於酒店內 午餐 4,000.00
東京Check Out 寄存行李於酒店內 遊覽 10,000.00
仙台仙台 1 日遊 晚餐 3,000.00
25/4/2006乘 18:26 JR 到東京預計 20:08 到達5780Package 指定的酒店輕井澤到東京 住宿及早、晚餐

第五日早餐於火車內JR 及 地鐵
大阪乘 8:03 JR 到大阪預計 10:49 到達8510 午餐 3,000.00
乘 18:41 JR 回東京預計 21:30 到達8510Package 指定的酒店 晚餐 3,000.00

第六日Check Out 及寄存行李於酒店JR 及 地鐵 午餐 3,000.00
乘 14:03 JR 到成田空港 預計 14:57 到達1280
乘 下午飛機回港
42280 7,000.00 163,400.00

折算港幣 7,000.00 10,784.40

每人預計費用 8,892.20

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