PS i love you 呢本書講咩嫁??

2008-03-06 4:56 am
PS i love you 呢本書講咩嫁??

re::bbo 你而家係咪答我問題??! seach到就吾洗搵你啦! 同埋你既內容真係好大概囉!

回答 (2)

2008-03-07 5:40 am
✔ 最佳答案
Holly is a young Irish woman has just lost her husband. She struggles with what to do with her life now that the love of her life is gone. She struggles to get up each morning. She doesn't leave the house anymore or talk to her family and friends. Her mother calls one day to tell her that she has a package and needs to pick up. Holly gets it and realizes that it contains letters from her husband that he wrote before he died.

There are 10 letters each containing some instruction on what to do nowthat he is gone. She is only allowed to read one letter a month and each one comes with instructions about what to do now that he is gone. These are things she wouldn't have done if he were still alive, but because they are from him she abides by his wishes. All the while she realizes that even though he is gone he is still with her in spirit and she must go on with her life.

Holly finds a job, meets new people and trys to keep life normal. She goes out partying with friends and goes on vacation. She wrestles with the possiblity of starting a new romance. All the while trying to stay true to her husband. In the end she realizes life does go on. Her husband wants her to be an independent lover of life. He wouldn't be disappointed if she went on to be happy without him.

2008-03-06 5:53 am


大概係咁啦,不過自己公課應該自己做,去search 下唔係好難jei

2008-03-09 12:33:12 補充:
白痴嗰個咪search 唔到lor

你話大概個plot, 你係唔識中文定英文呀? 你知唔知咩叫大概個plot呀? 


至q 憎你地呢d連工課都要人地幫你去做埋的人

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