
2008-03-06 4:37 am

回答 (3)

2008-03-06 5:01 am
✔ 最佳答案
提交人 是可以任何人,

可以自己交 , 在金鍾公 司 註 冊 處的收款處

你要在申報表日期42天內交, hk$105, 如過期要加罰款

只要帶備 AR 正本 和 $ 便可以
參考: SELF
2008-03-06 6:26 pm
As stated in Note 6 of the Annual Return, you have to fill in the details of the presentor if there is one. Any person can be a presentor. However, the column is not compulsary to be filled and therefore could be blanked. Should there are errors or areas in doubt, the Companies Registry will contact the presentor or send a letter to the registered office of the company for clarification or rectification.
The annual return must be filed with the Companies Registry within 42 days after the AGM or the Anniversary Date of incorporation. Else, there will be a penalty and each of the directors may be held reponsible for this offence.
2008-03-06 5:50 am
提交人就係填AR1嘅人。 如果報表有問題會搵提交人,當中發現有欺騙成份如蓄意填錯誤資料,可能負上刑責。 表後面有指引,小心唔好亂填。 希望幫到你!

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