
2008-03-06 2:41 am
想問問資產增值稅的英文是甚麼???是不是Value added tax??

回答 (2)

2008-03-06 2:46 am
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想問問資產增值稅的英文是甚麼???是不是Value added tax??

資產增值稅的英文正是Value added tax,中文簡稱增值稅,有關其中文或英文資料如下:

增值稅(value added tax,VAT)是一種銷售稅,屬累退稅,是基於商品或服務的增值而徵稅的一種間接稅,在澳大利亞、加拿大、新西蘭、新加坡稱為商品及服務稅(Goods and Services Tax, GST),在日本稱作消費稅。增值稅徵收通常包括生產、流通或消費過程中的各個環節,是基於增值額或價差為計稅依據的中性稅種,理論上包括農業各個產業領域(種植業、林業和畜牧業)、採礦業、製造業、建築業、交通和商業服務業等,或者按原材料採購、生產製造、批發、零售與消費各個環節。
增值稅是法國經濟學家Maurice Laur於1954年所發明的,目前,法國政府有45%的收入來自增值稅。

2008 Yahoo! ch3jacky1993™ Limited. 版權所有 不得轉載
參考: © 2008 Yahoo! ch3jacky1993™ Limited. 版權所有 不得轉載 wk84
2008-03-10 3:52 am
Value added tax (VAT) will refer to the Sales Tax, and such tax is calculated
based on the value of goods plus the tax rate. This is quite common in China
charge of 17% VAT in addition to the goods sold.
But, you refer to the asset appreciation, and I will say the term to be Capital
Gain Tax, not VAT. Hong Kong does not charge of capital gain tax for the
asset appreciation. So, I think you mix up two terms.

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