Stock loss 係咪tax deductible??

2008-03-06 2:13 am
Stock loss (Expense) is tax deductible in Hong Kong??

If yes, the such amount qualifies for deduction in accordance with the provisions of the Ordinance??

Many thanks!

回答 (2)

2008-03-08 10:26 am
✔ 最佳答案
要depend on different situation,

個stock 一定要show 到the company expect 會用黎in the production of chargable profit,

e.g. 你可能從別人中收到批貨ge,such as 你幫related company找左d 人地公司 ge expense數,佢地比左d 貨你黎set off 個outstanding amount 但你間公司又用唔著黎earn profit
咁岩火警whatever loss左,呢個expenses 就唔可以當係 TAX DEDUCTIBLE,
s16(1) In ascertaining the profits in respect of which a person is chargeable to tax under this Part for any year of assessment there shall be deducted all outgoings and expenses to the extent to which they are incurred during the basis period for that year of assessment by such person in the production of profits in respect of which he is chargeable to tax under this Part for any period....
係咪deductible 好depend on 可唔可以係production of chargable profit.

For the purpose of ascertaining profits in respect of which a person is chargeable to tax under this Part no deduction shall be allowed in respect of
subject to section 16AA, any disbursements or expenses not being money expended for the purpose of producing such profits

(1) For the purpose of ascertaining profits in respect of which a person is chargeable to tax under this Part no deduction shall be allowed in respect of-
e) any sum recoverable under an insurance or contract of indemnity
其實irdo 好長好似好多野要記,睇咁,
但如果知道佢set 條law 背後的理念,
都可以容易d 咁imply 返出黎...
參考: 112 irdo
2008-03-06 3:54 am
Yes. As this is a direct expense or outgoing incurred in the production of the chargable income - Sales / profit, hence it is allowable as a deduction under the Profits Tax i.e. under Section 16 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance.

收錄日期: 2021-04-25 20:29:49
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