Write A Notice

2008-03-05 10:49 pm
Please try to writ a notice in English informing occupants of
temporary suspension of lift services due to routine maintenance.

回答 (3)

2008-03-05 11:00 pm
✔ 最佳答案
To all occupants/tenants,

Please be notices that due to routine maintenance, lift services of lift no. X, XX and XXX will be tempararily suspended from XX:XX hr to XX:XX hr on DD/MM/YY. Please use lift no. Y, YY and YYY during the suspension period. We appologize for any convenenient caused.

Management Office
2008-03-05 10:55 pm
To all tenants,

Please note lift services will be temporary suspended from x:xx am/pm to xx:xx pm (time) on xx-xx-xx (date) due to routine maintenance.
We apolagize for any inconvenience caused.
2008-03-05 10:55 pm
Dear Residents,

Please be informed that lift services have been suspended due to routine maintenance. Services will
resume at 8am tomorrow morning. We are sorry for the inconvenience caused and thank you very much for your understanding.

The Management

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