Meaning of the HKSAR emblem.!

2008-03-05 9:57 pm
Anyone know waht is the meaning of the HKSAR emblem?
(Please use English!!!!)

回答 (2)

2008-03-05 11:41 pm
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Regional Emblem of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China

The Emblem of Hong Kong, or the Regional Emblem of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China, is the emblem which represents Hong Kong. It came into use on 1 July 1997, after Hong Kong's transfer of sovereignty from the United Kingdom to the People's Republic of China.
The emblem features the same design elements as the regional Flag of Hong Kong in a circular setting. The outer white ring is shown with the caption of the official name of the territory in Traditional Chinese and the English short form, "Hong Kong".
The design of the flag carries cultural, political and regional meanings. The colour itself is significant; red is a festive colour for the Chinese people, used to convey a sense of celebration and nationalism.[4] Moreover, the red colour is identical to that used in the national PRC flag,[5] chosen to signify the link re-established between post-colonial Hong Kong and China. The juxtaposition of red and white on the flag symbolises the one country two systems political principle applied to the region. The stylised rendering of the Bauhinia blakeana flower, a flower discovered in Hong Kong, is meant to serve as a harmonising symbol for this dichotomy.[4]
2008-03-05 10:37 pm
Specifications for the Regional Emblem(HKSAR)
The regional emblem is round in shape. It bears a red circular edge, an outer ring marked with scripts, a red inner ring with a design of a swaying bauhinia with 5 star-shaped stamens.
The swaying bauhinia design at the centre of the inner ring of the regional emblem is white in colour. It is formed by 5 petals, each with a red 5-pointed star and a red style. The petals are evenly arranged around the central point of the regional emblem in a clockwise direction. The centre of the bauhinia lies on the central point of the regional emblem.
The outer ring marked with scripts lies between the red circular edge and the red inner ring. The words and characters, on a white background, are red in colour. Evenly arranged in the upper part of the outer ring are the Chinese characters "中 華 人 民 共 和 國 香 港 特 別 行 政 區" in complex form and in the standard format for the regional emblem. The bottom of each character points towards the centre of the regional emblem. The English words "HONG KONG" in the standard format for the regional emblem are evenly arranged further down the outer ring. The top of each alphabet points towards the centre of the regional emblem. In between the Chinese characters and the English words is a 5-pointed red star on two sides. One point of both stars points towards the centre of the regional emblem. The Chinese characters, the English words and the 5-pointed stars are symmetrically arranged with reference to the centrelines of the regional emblem. The red colour of the regional emblem shall be identical with that of the national emblem of the People's Republic of China.
The design of the regional emblem is shown below.


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