
2008-03-05 9:10 pm
我想開一間新的有限公司, 請問申請程序是如何? 申請費用多少? 需要遞交什麼文件? 向那個政府部門申請?

回答 (5)

2008-03-06 4:57 pm
✔ 最佳答案
我想開一間新的有限公司, 請問申請程序是如何?

1. 客戶填寫申請書後,連同該公司股東、董事及公司秘書身份證或護照副本傳真或電郵給本公司;
2. 本公司將派專人與客戶聯絡,核實所需資料是否齊備;
3. 查核擬採用的公司名稱是否可用;
4. 客戶將訂金HK$ 3,000以現金或轉帳方式存至本公司戶口 (中國銀行#012-916-0-002670-3) 或 (恆生銀行 #265-452193-001) ;
5. 本公司將於1個工作天內備妥所需文件;
6. 客戶可親到本公司簽署有關文件,或選擇將文件送到指定工商地址(如屬特別地區,客戶需另付速遞費用),由客戶自行安排簽署,並連同餘款以支票或現金交回本公司;
7. 本公司向公司註冊處遞交有關文件及費用,以供審批;
8. 公司註冊署約需5 個工作天進行審批及簽發公司註冊證書;
9. 本公司領取証書後,將跟進其他申請程序,需時約3個工作天;完成後,本公司將通知客戶領取有關文件;
10. 客戶可憑本公司向客戶提供之註冊文件核証副本及會議記錄,於銀行開設戶口。


會計公司代辦, 一般 hk$ 5,400 - hk$ 7,000


參考: www.genacct.com
2008-03-08 10:08 am
2008-03-05 9:51 pm
If you want to set up a limited company, you need to have the company name first. Then, you need to prepare the M and A of such new company in order
to file the application to the Companies Registry. After about 10 days, you
will receive the Certificate of Incorporation. You can then apply for the
Business Registration at the 4/F of the IRD. Also, you need to make the
company seal, company chop, statutory book, share cerfiticate, etc.
I recommend you find the agent or CPA firm to do these works for you
because you may not have the knowledge and time to handle it. Many
agent offers the good price, HK$7K, to set up the limited company, and you can read
the magazine or newspapers to find one. Good luck.
2008-03-05 9:19 pm

介紹你䏲吓呢個網,或者有D新思維 www.wfh1638.com
2008-03-05 9:15 pm
you need to make a company chop, employ an accounting company for finanical audit.

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