遵道書院收唔收中 1嫁?

2008-03-05 6:59 pm
遵道書院收唔收中 1嫁?
我d 成績又不太好 遵道書院會唔會 收我嫁?

我搵左好多學校都冇人收我呀><(唔 知點解)

回答 (3)

2008-03-06 4:44 am
✔ 最佳答案
遵道書院收唔收中 1嫁?

1. Yes, they will.
2. If you results is bad, the school might not accept your application.
3. If they accept your application, you need to pass the interview.
4. If you try a lot of school still can not have any offer, I do think
your standard and interview are worst.
5. Now you only have the change in lucky draw.

Anyhow, please don&#39;t give up, do the best to gain what you want,
studying well, work hard and make a good interview review.
Hope you can get what an offer.

Good luck
2008-03-12 9:50 pm
遵道書院不收中一, 因為遵道書院是私校, 只提供中三至預科課程。
你可以試找一些新界西的Band 3 學校, 如你品行不太差該會取錄你。
2008-03-05 8:22 pm

若困成績不好, 機會不大了.

你可以在統一派位內選遵道書院, 機會大一些.

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