Renaissance College,HK好唔好??

2008-03-05 4:27 pm
我兒今年9歲, 一直在local school 就讀, 如果現在才轉國際學校, 會唔會太遲呢??
Int'l school D 數學深唔深呀? Year-5 用哪本出版社的數學書及作業??
有無綱友D仔女讀過, 給我一些comments, Thanks in advance !!

回答 (1)

2008-03-06 4:51 am
✔ 最佳答案
No, I do not think it will be too late.
if you think Int'l school is good to your kids,
just do it. Trust your kids ability, they can do it.
By the way, I do think that Maths in local school
must be harder than Int'l school. At the mean time
different school use different books and workbooks.
What kinds of school that you prefer to, you need to
tell us, otherwise nobody can answer your question.

Good Luck

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