在會計公司的稅務部門裏面, 入邊一組最好?

2008-03-05 4:20 pm
今個夏天, 我在 Deloitte & Touche 有一個 tax internship. 現在, 它(公司)寄電郵來問我想入邊個service line. 而我又冇對任何一個 service line 感興趣, 覺得個個都好似差唔多咁, 所以我想請問一下各位 ge 意見.

佢哋Tax department裏面所提供的 service line 有如下5個選擇:
Global Employment Services
International Tax
Lead Tax Services
Multistate Tax
Private Client Advisors

邊個service line 最高薪呀? 邊個又係最reputable呢? 比較起嚟 ge 話, 邊個會係最有前途啊? 如果你係我, 你又會揀邊個同點解呀?

Many thanks~

Just tell me whatever you know, no matter it is Deloitte in HK or US...

回答 (1)

2008-03-17 6:28 am
✔ 最佳答案
As this is an tax internship, a short term for a couple of month temporary job, I strongly advise you not to take into the account the 'salary' you could get. Rather, the useful tax matters that interest you most and could be a valuable asset when you graduate to get a job of similar nature. As you are brand new to tax, go to any line you assigned. Stick to it, learn something from it, read some books or research on the topic, ask more from your supervisor...this is the most valuable experience and attitude you are going to exercise. A valuable asset in your future career starting and development.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 10:46:41
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