Runescape- Yew cutting

2008-03-05 1:48 pm
I am playing runescape, and I am interested in cutting yews and make million...
However, recently someone told me that yew cutting was so slow which you hardly get one yew log for some minutes...
Please tell me if I am 60 wc level, how long would it take to get one log...
Or please suggest a money making plan$$$$must be about 10k everytime I sell the stuffs(becasue I used to)$$$$
Thank you!!!

回答 (4)

2008-03-12 4:30 am
to 一個係runescape裹邊既雷龍?!?:

no one buy willow.....

Willow is always cut by themselves and burn and their your firemaking level
2008-03-09 8:38 pm
I think u should not cut YEW. I suggest u go to mine and smith the ores.
When your mining is Lev85 and your smithing is Lev99, u can mine RUNITE ORE and smith it into RUNE PLATEBODY!


2008-03-12 19:12:57 補充:
smithing is not long!

2008-03-12 19:14:27 補充:
if u think mining runite ore is long, u can mine ady ore too!

2008-03-13 11:06:22 補充:
It is worth to mine so long
2008-03-09 4:13 pm
omg,i willow log 15-20gp how u can cut to make money?so i think u should
cutting yews
參考: my brain&rs@myorc
2008-03-06 12:01 am
你好!如果你既Woodcutting Level淨係得60既話,咁我建議你唔好去cut Yew Logs啦,因為如果你Woodcuuting Level淨係得60既話,冇錯真係cut好耐嫁!
如果你Woodcutting Level淨係得60,咁我就建議你去cut Willow Logs,因為有好多人都係咁做同埋cut Willow會快啲升到Woodcutting Level,因為佢要35Woodcutting Level就cut到!!!
我自己建議你最好將Woodcutting Level升都65先好cut Yew,因為如果你Woodcutting Level淨係得60既話,真係好耐先cut到一舊Yew logs!
而你想cut Yew賺錢就最好都係將Woodcutting Level升到65!同埋cut Willow logs都可以賺到好多錢,因為你好快可以cut到一舊Willow logs!

2008-03-13 19:49:46 補充:
Fw:Toa of Rune
可以去Grand Exanged Guilde嗰到sell哂佢咪得囉~(要以中等價錢去Sell!)
我就唔全世界冇人Buy Willow Logs喇!!!
參考: 我自己

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