點解股票開市時既股價, 會同昨天收市巴股價唔同?

2008-03-05 1:38 pm
點解開市時個股價, 同前一日收市時冒股價唔同?
唔係收左市就買唔到股票嫁咩? 咁點解個股價仲會有變動?


回答 (3)

2008-03-05 7:49 pm
✔ 最佳答案
為了一開市時能夠提供開市的恒生指數,其實交易所在 每日 0930 至 0945 已開始盤前交易,目的是開市時前段可釐定公平的開市價,並減低早上開市時大量買賣盤輸入及交易執行訊息對系統造成負荷。
盤前時段分 4 階段,0930 至 0945 為輸入買賣盤時段;0945 至 0950 為對盤前時段;0950 至 0958 為對盤時段;0958 至 1000 為暫停時段。
參考: 港交所
2008-03-05 8:19 pm

參考: 東亞證券
2008-03-05 3:48 pm
because after HK market close, the euro, US market are still running night, and in the morning , japan, taiwan market are start before HK. once these market are affected, HK will be affected too.

The factor normally include the government policy, company news etc..

Thus that why the price are always change, closing price <> opening price

also opening price are decided by the pre-market time 9:30-9:45 the price which have the most transaction in the period, the price is the opening price then.

Hope you understand.
參考: me

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