Carbon Trading

2008-03-05 7:58 am
Carbon Trading

What is Carbon Trading?
How can it reduce the emission of pollutants?
What are possible problems in practice?
Give examples of other international callaboration.

Pls help me to slove them.

回答 (2)

2008-03-10 2:54 am
✔ 最佳答案
Carbon Trading温室氣體减排 makes a good investment because energy demands of the world are constantly and rapidly growing....
排污交易是一種以「獎勵」形式的經濟誘因,鼓勵私人企業致力減排的,控制污染經濟工具和政府行政門徑;以達致減少排放污染物目標。 仍發展中的減低排放溫室氣體的碳排放計畫,可令參與公司及人士產生可交易的碳排放牌照。 京都議定書內清潔發展機制(CDM)可提供這方面的排放指標規定
A good reference in the follwoing web-sites
2008-03-05 11:36 pm
1. Carbon Trading refers to agreements made between countries that allow more developed (richer)
countries which emit more carbon (main in the form of carbon dioxide) to buy carbon emission quota
from poorer countries which do not emit so much carbon.

2. Theoretically because the total carbon emission quota remains fixed, despite the redistribution of the
quota there is no net increase in carbon emission - i.e. carbon emission would still be under control
according to the set protocol.

3. One problem would be the unwillingness for countries to honour the environmental agreements - one
example would be the Kyoto Protocol in which the Bush administration of the US refused to participate in the programme at all, thus they are not even bounded by the carbon emission quota in the first place.

4. World Trade Organisation - promotion of a global free market; World Health Organisation - countries
come together to fight health problems common to all human beings, etc are such examples.

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