
2008-03-05 2:40 am


回答 (2)

2008-03-05 3:02 am
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西洋公約組織”(the North Atlantic Treaty Organization) ,






參考: other
2008-03-07 11:25 am
I believe what you are asking about after the cold war, so the previous answer, which look at the Marshall plan is quite irrelevant.

I think there are 2 major schools of thought which consider your question and yield quite different answer.

The first one is the liberalist. Scholars like Fukuyama had once famously addressed that the collapse of the USSR signified the victory of liberal democracy against communism- “the end of history ”and “a world made up of liberal democracies should have much less incentive for war.” Hence, all countries would (and should) now move towards democracy. This can be used as a justification for the US invasion of Iraq, as it is a mission to establish democracy. In short, if you are a liberalist, this will mean all countries will eventually become democracies.

The other school of thought is the realist (eg Waltz). They do not think peace has anything to do with democracy (or vice versa). They believe the key to peace is the balance of power is they see the international stage as an anarchy. Thus, the collapse of USSR means that balance no longer exist and the US is free to do whatever it wants until a new balance is established (eg the EU or China.) This can be used to analyse the war in Iraq as well as it can be seen as US trying to benefit from the oil as it is the only super power.

Those 2 are only very broad overviews. There are a lot more to those theories (even the liberalist have many branches) and I hope, they can help you for now.
參考: Me (I am studying Politics in university)

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