wt means ?when i say?yhler?

2008-03-04 11:38 pm
wt means (np)?when i say (ty) to someone ,they always say (np)

wt about (dude)?(omg)?(nut)???

回答 (2)

2008-03-05 1:03 am
✔ 最佳答案
hi, l think ur new to runescape,

so l will explan to u all about it,

not only ur problem , and many other word u may c in runescape as well,

1337 - Elite, also "cool"

Ard(y) - Ardougne

Att - Attack level

Barb Village - Barbarian Village

CW - Castle Wars

Def - Defence level

Edge - Edgeville

F2P - Free to Play (Free version of RS)

Fally - Falador

FM - Firemaking

FTW - For the win

G2G - Got to go

GP- Gold pieces (money in game)

Hits/HP - Hit points

K - A thousand of something, usually gp (eg. 2k = 2.000gp), can also mean okay

KBD - King Black Dragon

KQ - Kalphite Queen

Lag - pauses or jumps in play due to slow internet connection speed

Lumby - Lumbridge

Lvl - Level

Mil - A million of something, usually gp Newb - Player who is new to RuneScape.

NFS - Not for sale

Noob - Experienced player who acts like a newb (derogatory)

NP - No Problem

NTY - No, Thank You

NVM or NM - Nevermind

OMG - Oh my God, or Oh my gosh

Owns - Very good, or best at something

P2P - Pay to Play (Members version of RS)

Pker - Player Killer

RC - Runecrafting

RL - Real life

ROFL - Rolling on the floor laughing

RS1/RSC - RuneScape 1 (Classic)

RS2/RS - RuneScape (2)

Seers - Seers Village

Str - Strength level

TY - Thank You

WC - Woodcutting

Wildy - Wilderness

Varr/Vrk - Varrock

YW - Your welcome

and this is the thing when u wanant o type sum word with special :

Colour codes:Movement codes:

Red: Text is redWave: Text moves up and down.

Yellow: Text is yellow (default colour)Wave2: Text waves diagonally.

Green: Text is greenShake: Text shakes bizarrely.

Cyan: Text is cyanSlide: Text slides from up to down.

Purple: Text is purpleScroll: Text scrolls from left to right.

2008-03-05 12:47 am
np = no problem = 沒問題
dude = man (slang) = 「友」仔 (俗語)
omg = oh my god = 我的天呀
nut (slang) = foolish or mad person = 傻佬或怪人 (俗語)
參考: hkslot

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