
2008-03-04 9:21 pm

回答 (4)

2008-03-05 2:37 am
✔ 最佳答案
Assumed that the density of water is unchange when water flow from sea to river.

By equation of continunity
Asea Vsea = Ariver Vriver

Where A, V are cross sectional areas and the velocities respectively
Since Asea >>> Ariver ==> Vsea <<< Vriver

Thats why the velocity of water is greater in river then sea.

2008-03-04 18:38:47 補充:
Asea is more then Ariver
Vsea is less then Vriver
2008-03-04 10:26 pm
因為河流的闊度比大海窄, 當有水流時, 河流入面d水好似爭行快d咁, 迫下迫下向前衝, 而大海因為闊, d水迫下迫下就有d向前, 有d向左右兩邊, 分散左d空間, 所以你會覺得河流的水速比大海的水速快.........
2008-03-04 10:07 pm
大海的水之所以會移動, 主要是由於月球磁場引力
而造成的潮汐漲退, 而且大海的面積遠較江河為大;
而河流的水之所以會移動, 乃是由於河水由高山流向平原, 再出大海,
即是由高向低流, 而且河流成長形, 兩岸較為狹窄, 因而形成河水移動較為急速.

因此, 河水流動的速度當然比海水流動的速度為快.
2008-03-04 9:58 pm

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