
2008-03-04 9:06 pm
1. William began as a drivr, perhaps not of the same stading as McLaren or Jack, but nonetheless someone who lived, breathed and loved motor racing.

p.s.: someone is indicate who??..

回答 (6)

2008-03-04 11:00 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. William began as a driver, perhaps not of the same standing (status) as McLaren or Jack, but nonetheless someone who lived, breathed and loved motor racing.
雖然威廉一開始嘅時候只係做一個司機, 或者佢唔係同 McLaren, 傑克一樣咁嘅級數 (地位), 但係佢依然稱得上係一個熱愛賽車甚至呼吸同埋活於賽車之中嘅人。
2. Someone = who?

是指一個人咁解。= Ex: (...稱得上係一個熱愛賽車...嘅人)。hope that helps.

參考: myself.
2008-03-06 6:18 am
. William began as a driver,
perhaps not of the same standing as McLaren or Jack,
but nonetheless someone who lived, breathed and loved motor racing
(but nonetheless someone who lived.....等於 but still, he is someone who lived.....)
這個 someone 是指 William,他雖然不及 Mclaren 和 Jack,但他是活生生的、酷愛賽車的小人物。)

2008-03-05 22:25:14 補充:
若你拿走兩個「,」中間的短句'Perhaps not of the standing of ....', 就會容易些解構這句的意思。
2008-03-05 2:36 am
威廉開始了作為drivr, 或許不是同樣stading 作為McLaren 或傑克, 但仍然某人居住, 呼吸的和被愛的馬達賽跑。

p.s.: 某人是表明誰? 。
2008-03-04 10:01 pm
我想問︰what is "stading", is staging or ?? 我想你指 staring 或許 starting ?

雖然威廉開始時是一位司機,或許與 McLare 或傑克的不是一樣,

p.s.: someone is indicate who??.. ===> 某人是指誰?
someone is indicate McLaren or Jack .... may be...
參考: me
2008-03-04 9:31 pm
1. William began as a driver, perhaps not of the same staging as McLaren or Jack, but nonetheless someone who lived, breathed and loved motor racing.

p.s.: someone is indicate who??..


p.s. : 某人是代表誰?
2008-03-04 9:09 pm
1. 威廉開始了作為司機, 或許不是同樣留作為McLaren 或傑克, 但仍然某人居住, 呼吸的和被愛的馬達賽跑。

p.s.: 某人是表明誰?? 。。
參考: Yahoo聰明筆

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