
2008-03-04 8:27 pm

回答 (4)

2008-03-04 8:33 pm
✔ 最佳答案
To: Manager
I hoped works the schoolmate industry already time not to be able to flush. If certainly must flush already the speech I only to have the choice giving up work. The person is not progressive can regress. Is eliminated the department sooner or later question by the society. But the family is not I stops low footsteps already time. I do not want to cause the room business person to be disappointed ﹏ hoped you understand ~
2008-03-08 12:20 am
Frankly, among all the 3 replies, this one is actually the worst one.
2008-03-05 6:20 am
To: The Manager,
I hope there is a good balance of working and studying. However, if there is a conflict, I have no choice but have to give up working. A person not in advancement means he is regressive. He will be abandoned by the society sooner or later. I do not want to stand still and wait for it to come. And, I do not want to create desperation to my family. I really wish you can understand the hardship of my present situation. Thank you.
2008-03-04 8:42 pm
Dear Manager,
I hope there would have no conflict between the time for work and study. If unfortunately there is conflict between them, I have no choice and have to give up the job.
I strongly believes that without continous progress through studying, one would finally be fade-out by the community one day. As this is not a time for me to stop my foot step and I do not want to let my family disappointed, I have to make such choice if I have to.
Thank you very much and I wish you can understand my situation.
參考: Myself

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