
2008-03-04 7:59 pm

回答 (3)

2008-03-07 5:33 am
✔ 最佳答案
The "thirsty" feeling is due to the dehydration of your body. Whe you took a lot of alcohol in your body, the alcohol is in principle toxic to your body. Your liver will start working to detoxify the alcohol by changing it to the fatty acid. During the process, teh body will consume a lot of water from the body. So, your brain will give a thirsty signal to you and drive you to drink more water to dilute and detoxify the alcohol. To avoid the unpleasant "hang-over" feeling, the best way is to drink plenty of water before you fell asleep. Of course, sometimes it may be difficult as your stomach is full of wines and beer. Even like this, you have to try your best to drink as much as possible water (NOt tea or Coffee).
2008-03-04 9:19 pm
會呀 , 當我飲酒過量的時候 , 半夜都會口渴 , 要起身去飲水 , 第二日瞓醒又會口渴 !

只要你將雪梨搾汁飲 , 便會舒服點 !
2008-03-04 8:18 pm
Wine is not a water, so you felt thirsty after your drain.

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